Monday, July 21, 2014

How to make progressive images

Download - jpegtran from here -

Usage: jpegtran.exe [switches] inputfile outputfile
Example:  jpegtran -progressive -optimize -copy none slideImage2.jpg slideImage2_optimized.jpg

User experience example - Check the video on this url -

Other urls -

Monday, July 7, 2014

Learning from nestat

The netstat output looks something like -

Source IP: Source Port     Destination IP: Destination Port

I had an understanding that the source ports for any two such netstat entries cannot be same, Was proved wrong. The source port can be same,  just that combination of 4 should be unique between two such entries.

i.e. this is possible

10.10.XX.XXX: 50493     10.10.40.XX:8009
10.10.XX.XXX: 50493     10.10.40.X:8009